OC Corner
An overview of my characters and their backstory

Malach - Half Demon Half Angel
Malach is a half demon half angel who escaped from heaven. His mother Evangeline had an affair with a demon and had Malach. Every day Malach's demon side comes out more and more, and his mother tries to keep his demon side a secret to no avail.

Ollie - Forager
Ollie was once a human child who was murdered by Xavier on one of his missions. Xavier regretted his actions and used the toxic waste that created him to resurrect Ollie. He now is a mutant creature who was formed from toxic waste and oil. He lost all his memories and exclusively lives in the toxic forest.

Andre - Criminal Boss
Andre is a criminal who owns multiple illegal businesses. He escaped his home country to gain a new life where he could live how he pleased. Even though he is a dangerous man he always had a soft spot for children and he adopted Xavier and Amira as his own.

Amira - Bounty Hunter
Amira is an orphan who was "adopted" by Andre, he trained her to fight and to be a bounty hunter for his criminal businesses. She is one of the best fighters on Andre's team and she will do anything to gain his approval.

Xavier - Bounty Hunter
Xavier is a mushroom creature who was created with toxic waste that is combined with forest mushrooms. One day Andre found him in the forest took him in and used Xavier's unique powers to his advantage. Xavier lives with Amira and Andre and views them as family.
Personality: Bubbly, Naive, Friendly, Optimistic
Personality: Angry, Uncaring, Structured
Personality: Intense, Proud, Confident
Personality: Anxious, Paranoid, Friendly, Observent
Personality: Chaotic, Rule Breaker, Unbothered, Reckless